Thursday, February 3, 2011

.::Peaches {Niou Masaharu}::.

Peaches were a very good food--a very naughty food. Not fresh peaches, oh no, processed peaches. One, meaning you, could argue that processed peaches were possibly the most stimulating food ever to be created by man.

You peeled off the aluminum cover of the plastic container and jabbed your spoon into the wet mess, bringing a good spoon-full into your mouth, eyeing your friend sitting across from you. You did not chew rapidly, like most normal people would have done, instead playing with the wet, slimy chunks with your tongue. One of the unlucky chunks was mashed to the roof of your mouth to force more juice out. An unnoticeable shiver of pleasure jolted down your spine. He sat there, quietly, behaving for once in his life like a civilized person--which was admittedly quite annoying simply because he was not one to act in such a manor. But still, you stared intensely at the silver haired boy allowing your eyes to trace his features over and over and over and--

“What?” Niou asked with a glance up from him bento box.

“Nothing…” Swallowing, you took and even bigger spoon full into your mouth to indulge in the wonderful wetness the juice and fantasies brought along with the feeling of something slick and spluttering in your mouth. A strong smirk over came your lips, your foot raising under the table to perch on the area of his seat between his open legs, just by his crotch. “Nothing at all.”

Peaches are so good.

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