Tuesday, February 8, 2011

.::Guns {Marui Bunta}::.

It was just a normal weekend day at the Marui residence, Bunta and his girlfriend were sitting out side on the grass where they munched on watermelon and occasionally go for a swim -- they were in their bathing suits.

Bunta popped a bubble and kept watching as his girl attempted to climb up a tree. She fell again, hadn’t even managed to get up on the first limb. “You’re so weak, ________.” he teased.

She stuck her tongue out at him and the turned her attention back to the barked menace. “If you’re so strong then why don’t you just pick me up and set me up there?”

“I don’t feel like it.” he explained. Yeah right.

“Look!” she suddenly pointed out to the road where some stranger, a man with major muscle-age, walked down the street. “Look at the guns on the guy! I bet he could lift me!”

“Psh! That’s nothing! Besides, didn’t I just tell you that I could lift you if I wanted to?”

“Not specifically.”

“You want proof?” he asked, “Here.” Bunta smirked, flexing his biceps as much as he could. “Boom! Boom! Thunder and lightning! Fire power!”

She fell to the ground with laughter, “Whatever. That’s not fire power, that’s a match!”

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